Thursday, November 01, 2007

Leslie Byrne Endorsed Unanimously for 2008 Race

The Communications Workers of America (CWA), Region 2 today unanimously endorsed Leslie Byrne in her congressional race in the 11th CD.
Congratulations, Leslie!
Thank you, Lowell, for the photo,
which I lifted from RK.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Karen. CWA is as concerned as I am about declining standards of living for the middle class, pension protection, and stopping the outsourcing our jobs overseas.

Their quick endorsement was unexpected and very much welcome. Regards, Leslie

Karen Duncan said...


Your comments about declining standards of living for the middle class, outsourcing and pension protection have been real problems, espcially among high tech workers many of whom make up the CWA membership.

It's the same economic issues that led me to support Jim Webb so enthusiastically.

Congrats on the endorsement and I look forward to your campaign next year.
