Monday, July 14, 2008

Virginia AFL-CIO Enthusiastically Supports Mark Warner

It's obvious from this video, taken from the AFL-CIO Blog, that the Virginia AFL-CIO enthusiastically supports former Governor Mark Warner in his bid for the U.S. Senate. This video was taken during the recent July 4th Northern Virginia Central Labor Council picnic, held at the NoVA CLC headquarters.

The man leading the cheering section at the very beginning is NoVA CLC President Dan Duncan. The woman to whom Mark Warner briefly speaks is state AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer and newly elected DNC member Doris Crouse-Mays. He was telling her that he will support the Employee Free Choice Act. (More on the Free Choice Act here.) In doing so, he will be joining Virginia's soon-to-be senior senator, Jim Webb, a co-sponsor of this legislation. Co-sponsors on the House side include Jim Moran, Rick Boucher, and Bobby Scott. In addition, Gerry Connolly announced his support for it at the same picnic. In contrast, Tom Davis voted against it in Congress just as Virginia's other Republican representatives did. Davis used to claim he was a moderate. So, think how Keith Fimian would vote.

Finally, the woman running around with the camera is my friend Joyce Putnam, whose pictures have graced this blog several times. She's a member of OPEIU and works for Washginton Gas.


Anonymous said...

It's funny, but at this point I always expect to see a headline or subject line about another group endorsing and supporting Mark Warner for Senate to be followed up with another headline: "In other news, water still wet." OF COURSE the VA AFL-CIO is supporting Warner--EVERYONE is supporting Warner. :)

Karen Duncan said...

Actually, in Journalism 101, the first thing they teach you is that "dog bites man" is not news but "man bites dog" is. You are right, of course the AFL-CIO is supporting Mark Warner, along with the whole progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

What I did want to see captured on video was that Mark Warner, viewed as a pro-business centrist by many, came out and pledged his support for the Employee Free Choice Act.

It's not on tape, but I heard Gerry Connolly also say that he would support it in Congress, which is in the diary.

That's the "man bites dog" part (for both of the candidates).

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