Saturday, October 31, 2009

Brian Moran Rallies GOTV at NoVa CLC

Attempt 116 to post this update via the truly dreadful iPhone. There will be no editing and no proofreading because frankly Ive given up on this as a viable texting device amnd am only waiting for my contract with ATT toven and I'm so otta there

Anyway pictured in an earlier post was Brian eith CWA activist Delore Gerber. Brian wkas at the NoVa Central Labor Federation to rally everyone for Creigh Deeds Jody Wagner and Steve Shannon

while there I asked him about recent rumors that he was running for DPVA. He shot me am quizzical look and said he didn't know where the rumor started but thinks maybe Richmond. He didn't completely rule out a run but said emphatically that it had not been his original idea or plan


Karen Duncan said...

Ok I am probably far too much of a perfectionist for my own good but I am honestly cringing from all the typos. Can someone rescue me from this damne touch screen and get me a decent tactile keyboard

Anyway, the main take home points are that Brian came out in support of the ticket and he is not currently running for DPVA chair though he didn't rule it out completely

nova_middle_man said...

Good luck on Tuesday. I don't see this huge house of delegate wave that Ben is freaking out about but who knows.

I split my ticket as usual :-p